Short and Hilarious 😂 Jokes for a Quick Laugh


Funny Jokes

The big game hunter walked in the bar and bragged to everyone about his hunting skills.The man was undoubtedly a good shot and no one could dispute that.But then he said that they could blindfold him and he would recognize any animal's skin from its feel,


Funny Jokes

“Mommy,” the little girl asks, “How old are you?”“Honey, you are not supposed to ask a lady her age,” the mother replied“It's not polite.”“OK”, the little girl says, “How much do you weigh?”“Now really,” the mother says, “Those are personal questions and


Funny Jokes

A woman runs into a doctor's office and says,“Doctor! You have to help me! Everywhere I touch on my body it hurts!”The doctor replies, “Show me.”So the woman pokes her ankle and screams in pain.She pokes her knee and yells again.She pokes her forehead and


Funny Jokes

Queensland farmers, Jim and Bob, are sitting at their favourite bar, drinking beer.Jim turns to Bob and says, “You know, I'm tired of going through life without an education.Tomorrow I think I'll go to the community college, and sign up for some classes.”


Funny Jokes

The man picks up, listens for a second and says, “How the hell would I know, you idiot? I'm not a weatherman,” before slamming down the receiver.“Who was that?” asks his wife.“Wrong number.  It was some jerk asking if the coast was clear.”


Funny Jokes

Little Johhny is walking around and peaks in his parents room, catching them having s*x so he asks,
“What are you guys doing?” and they reply “Nothing, nothing! we’re just uh, making cake” and they send him away.
So he continues walking around and h


Funny Jokes

Two men are trying to get in a quick eighteen holes of golf, but there two women golfers in front of them who are taking quite a long time to play each hole.
The first guy says, “Why don’t you go over and ask if we can play through?” The second guy get


Funny Jokes

… after taking some time to size Jim up and decide that he can trust him, Carl tells Jim about his plan to escape.“You see, ” Carl says “for the first 5 years I was inside, I trained my digestive system to follow my command.  Now I can eat something and i


Funny Jokes

1Johnny's mother had three children.  The first child was named April.  The second child was named May.  What was the third child's name?2There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall and he wears size 13 sneakers.  What does he we


Funny Jokes

A man was telling his co-worker one day that the company was transferring him to Chicago.He explained that he was going to quit before he had to move there.When asked why, he replied that he was just too afraid of all the crime even though he would be pas


Funny Jokes

Late in the night, Jim, a Marine, finally regained consciousness.He was in hospital, in agonizing pain.He found himself in the ICU with tubes in his mouth, needles and IV drips in both arms, a breathing mask, wires monitoring every function, and a gorge


Funny Jokes

Having determined that the husband was infertile, a childless couple decided to try artificial insemination.
When the woman showed up at the clinic, she was told to undress, get up on the table and place her feet in the stirrups.
She was feeling ver


Funny Jokes

When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss.The brain said, “I should be boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions.”The feet said, “We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go.”


Funny Jokes

One Halloween long ago, in a small town in the middle of nowhere, a boy went out with his friends…
The boy, of course, did a bit more tricking than treating on that night.
As he returned home after a long night of mischievous activities, he was conf


Funny Jokes

Unfortunately the bus got cancelled, so he had to call a cab.While sitting in the cab, he noticed that the driver missed a turn in an intersection.The man carefully tapped the driver on his shoulder and said, “Sorry Sir, but…”The driver screamed, “AAAAAAH


Funny Jokes

Three pregnant women are sitting in a cafe having lunch when one of them says.
“I know that I’m going to have a boy.”
The other two women think about that for a moment, and then one of them says.
“OK, how do you know you’re going to have a boy?”<


Funny Jokes

The mother came on her little son who was standing thoughtfully before the gooseberry bush in the garden.She noted that his expression was both puzzled and distressed.“Why, what's the matter, little lamb?” she asked tenderly.“I'm thinkin, mumy,” the boy a


Funny Jokes

A professor, a CEO, and a janitor are in a forest when they discover a magic fairy.The fairy says “I will give you what you most desire if you do someone else's job for a day.”The professor says “I'll be an elementary school teacherWhat can be so hard abo


Funny Jokes

This is the letter that the man wrote to his wife:Dear Wife,I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you foreverI've been a good man to you for 7 years and I have nothing to show for itThese last 2 weeks have been hell…Your boss called to


Funny Jokes

  He asked the preacher if he could participate in the door-to-door selling of bibles.The preacher agreed, but knowing the young man had a bad stutter, only gave him 3 bibles to sell.The following day the young man returned asking for more.The preacher ga


Funny Jokes

A young boy says to his father “Dad, our math teacher is asking to see you.”
“What happened?” The father asks.
“Well, she asked me, ‘how much is 7 * 9?’ I answered ’63’ , then she asked, ‘and 9 * 7?’
So I asked ‘what’s the bloody difference?’ “In


Funny Jokes

Once upon a time, there was a non-conforming sparrow who decided not to fly south for the winter.
However, soon after the weather turned cold, the sparrow changed his mind and reluctantly started to fly south.
After a short time, ice began to form h


Funny Jokes

Nasreddin Hodja was boasting about the power of his faith.“If your faith is so strong, then pray for that mountain to come to you,” said a skeptic, pointing to a mountain in the distance.Nasreddin Hodja prayed fervently, but the mountain did not move.He p


Funny Jokes

“Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.”
“Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical.”
“Because it gets late early.” (On why it’s so tough to play left field in Yankee stadium.)
“If the people don


Funny Jokes

A priest was sent to a very small church in the backwoods of AlaskaAfter a couple of years the Bishop decided to pay the priest a visit to see how he was doing.The priest said that it was a really lonely job and that he didn't think that he could have mad


Funny Jokes

Some boy scouts are sitting around a camp fire and begin to tell some jokes.
The first one lets out a chuckle and says, “13”.
The rest of the scouts chuckle and another says, “Heh, 6”.
This gets a good laugh from most of them and a third replies


Funny Jokes

A blonde was summoned to court to appear as a witness in a lawsuitThe prosecutor opened his questioning with, “Where were you the night of August 24th?”“Objection!” said the defense attorney“Irrelevant!”“Oh, that's okay,” said the blonde from the witness


Funny Jokes

Two young guys appear in court after being arrested for smoking dope.The judge says, “You seem like nice young men, and I'd like to give you a second chance instead of jail timeI want you to go out this weekend and try to convince others of the evils of d


Funny Jokes

He was hooked on trees his whole life.2Why was Santa's little helper depressed?Because he had very low elf esteem.3What does the Grinch do with a baseball bat?Hits a gnome and runs.4What do you call a broke Santa Claus?Saint-nickel-less.5. What do you cal


Funny Jokes

On his first day on the job, the trainee dialed the kitchen and shouted into the phone:“Get me a cup of coffee, quickly!”The voice from the other side responded:“You fool, you've dialed the wrong extension! Do you know who you're talking to?”“No,” replied

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